Frequently Asked Question
Purchased XitNotes but what do I do next


Mr Beros,

I have just bought Your XitNotes software which I found very usefull.

You have just send me My licence registration key However I don t understand the full procedure to get the program to work completely

Please find here below the picture of the XitNotes pannel (Embedded image moved to file: pic07616.jpg) I have pressed the Get Ticket Key Button thinking that I would launch the procedure for filling in my registration number A huge code Appeared in the box next to it (as displayed in the screen capture) This code has nothing to do with my registration number and the help button "?" brought me to your internet site where I got completely confused about the definition of the "Software Ticket Key". Then there is a Stamped Ticket Key box where I have to fill-in also something

It is not clear to me what I have to do Could you please send me in return an update of your installation procedure explaining exactly the step by step process to get your product to be fully operational (IE not demo mode)

Please note that I would be interested by a similar utility where I could browse through the email of a designated PST database and select a couple of emails to send to the Lotus Note mail database. Could you let me know if such product exist.


You can find help here (Available from the XitNotes help menu): http://www.lotus-notes-export.com/XitNotesHelp.asp HELP NOW AVAILABLE IN XITNOTES RATHER THAN ONLINE

Also the help "?" button tells you specifically what each field does and is used for.

These are the overall steps:

  1. Test the database you wish to export
  2. Verify you are happy with any limitations and then purchase online
  3. Make sure you have the correct Lotus Notes mail database selected (VERY IMPORTANT) and create a Ticket Key for the it by clicking on the "Get Ticket Button". This displays your key which you need to copy (I suggest CTRL-C to copy and later CTRL-V to paste)
  4. Get a the ticket key stamped. You can access via "?" button and follow instructions (and click the link to get ticket key stamped))
  5. Enter your license and paste your Ticket Key and Submit. You will be supplied a stamped ticket key.)
  6. Copy an Paste the Stamped Ticket Key to the XitNotes "Enter Stamped Ticket Key" field.
  7. Export the database using the "Start Export" button.

Please let me know if this makes sense.

Best Regards,
Kim Beros